Thursday, November 14, 2013

The enviromentally

Hi class!
I will talk about the environmentally and different methods that we can use for recycle.
We can classify the garbage in paper, organic garbage, plastic, glass, metal, etc, but the more common is that the garbage can will is classify in: paper, organic, plastic and glass, this type garbage can is the university.
One of things that i do that recycle is use old notebooks and removes the leaf without use and join and i make one new notebook decorate like i want.
I use my legs instead of a car, i also use a bike, but i recently learned a use a bike, so i will buy a helmet and the lights for bike and i will use the my bike
I will join any eco-organisation, because i think that we must protect the environment, his nature and animals. When i was the “Torres del Paine”, i see like a little accident the a backpacker caused a big fire in the national park. I would like participate the any eco-organisation, but my free time is a few.
We can do most things that reduce the carbon footprint, like use economic bulb and use the light sun the maxim possible, and also we will can walk more and not use the bus.
Santiago need more bike track and more garbage can with the different elements for recycle, also Santiago need more culture environmentally for that the people not dirty the street.

Bye Class!   


  1. your notebooks should be very nice :)

  2. I´m in accord with you, Santiago don´t has environmentally culture, and it need it.

  3. I recycle too, that's a good method to help in the take care of nature

  4. I like it "the environmental culture". More education and aware people!!

  5. I completly agree with "the envionmental culture", be careful with our environment is everyone's job (:
